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When to Watch Wildlife bird related links from this page:

External link: COMPUTERBIRDING quiz - a fun bird ID quiz - very addictive.

In the world of birds and web sites the Fat Birder is king.  See their top 500 (!) recommendations at http://www.birdingtop500.com/


We all love birds.  For many watching birds in the garden was the first thrill that lead to a lifetime of enjoyment learning about nature.

For a personal view, click here to see the list of the most commonly spotted bird species in Britain, along with W2WW comments and observations.

What to see and when...

There are always birds of interest to see throughout the year.  In spring and summer many species visit our shores to breed, with the countryside coming alive with bird song.

For a quick guide go to the Birding Year page.

Britain is particularly important for its populations of breeding sea birds.

To see which birds migrate to Britain, and which live here all year round, go to the When to Watch Birds page.

Autumn and Spring present exciting times as birds migrate in and out of Britain, and passage migrants drop by.  In winter birds from the arctic regions escape the harsh northern climes and move south to spend several months here.  Many bird species which we regard as residents have their numbers boosted by birds from northern Europe e.g. great tits and bull finches.

Also as seasons change resident birds move around, especially when the breeding season is over.  Therefore you never quite know what you might see.

Birds in your garden

Bird watching is often the first introduction that many people get to wildlife, and as birds can easily encouraged to visit gardens, small efforts can yield very rewarding results.  Click here to see how to attract birds to your garden.

Conservation of declining one bird species (the great crested grebe) gave rise to the RSPB and a general change in emphasis regarding attitudes to natural history.  This lead the way to the appreciation and conservation of wildlife that we now consider to be the norm.

What's that bird...?

You can do no better than visiting the RSPB's web site, linked below, to access the British birds species list, along with songs and images etc. - a fantastic resource:


Of course the British Trust for Ornithology also has a very comprehensive listing at:


For another site which provides excellent bird-by-bird information (although not so wide ranging as the RSPB site) see http://www.garden-birds.co.uk/birdindex.htm.

The Birds of Britain web site also lists many of the more common birds of Britain.

You may also like to visit these sites for bird photographs:

Bird song

For a more information about birds and their songs go to the Bird song page.

Recommended web sites:

On the BirdForum site birders reports their latest sightings: go to BirdForum "Your Birding Day"

BirdForum.net - The Net's Largest Birding Community Dedicated to Wild Birds

Also the latest bird sightings can be seen on the bird track site.

BirdTrack menu image



All images and text are copyright PMcS 2006